Luca’s Dinner Speech – Rotary Forum Attendee

Fanning the Flames of Curiosity – Luca’s Forum Experience 

The Rotary Forum created a wildfire of inspiration for Luca and his peers. Fueled by like-minded individuals, Luca talks about how each student had a spark that was ignited through a chain reaction of enthusiasm and camaraderie.

All humans are born with a spark. But the spark recedes as we grow. 

What this Forum has done is ignite the sparks within students across the country at a level that very few other experiences are able to achieve. Rotary New Zealand has refined a process to find 168 young people every year whose sparks still burn bright and bring them together for two weeks. With the invaluable cooperation of our three Auckland-based universities, as well as all the other organisations involved in the Forum, us students have been exposed to the widest range of high level science and technology that our country has to offer us. That crucial mix of people and activities is what builds the unique culture of this Forum into something that is truly worth more than the sum of its parts.

Too many times in the past two weeks I’ve heard the statements: ‘I don’t know how I got in here’ or ‘I don’t feel smart here.’  This mindset is a result of lifelong conditioning that intelligence is reflected by a perfect gradebook, which simply isn’t true. I’ve seen the sparks in the students who made those remarks about themselves – when they get to the academic module that they’re passionate about, whether it be Physics, Biomedical Science, Game Technology. Whether it be Debating, Dragon’s Den, or even casual conversations about career plans. You can see that glint in their eyes that comes out when they’re finally in a space where they feel confident and engaged. It’s that aha moment, where you realise: that’s why they’re here. All of us have sparks, no matter how much we try to hide them and all of us deserve a place at this Forum. 

What’s been most incredible is watching the way one spark can ignite another. After 14 days, our sparks have cascaded into an inferno of passion and drive. A fire that will inspire us to stay curious and fuel our future studies and pursuits. When we’re back at home, if we ever feel demotivated or like we don’t fit in, we can remember this Forum. A place that nourished our sparks. A place that taught us discipline in the art of reverse push-ups, moo offs, and all the other creative ‘advisor punishments’. A place that we can bring with us into whatever the future holds.